Adi Oz-Ari

Adi Oz-Ari currently resides in between Tel-Aviv, Israel and Berlin, Germany

Adi Oz-Ari is one of ArtConnect’s Artists to Watch '22

On the surface, Adi Oz-Ari’s oeuvre seems totally conceptual, but this is only one layer out of many in her works, as they carry additional autobiographical strata. A broader look at her art comes from the understanding the elements that are present.

One element is pain, the body is the major actor in her work. Most of her references to the body are from the field of medicine and paramedical practices. She strives to expose innards and invisible, unheard pain, alongside with pieces from the body revealing vulnerability or unusual features, such as scabs and hemorrhages. In those locations, pain is mostly associated with shame and guilt, often in the context of self-harm and physical and emotional illness in rare instances. Violence is also present. Oz-Ari’s use of body imagery connects not only to pain in the medical sense but also to violence, added to which is an engagement in concepts of disruption and disturbance, anything that goes beyond the norms of the body.

Grace Aneiza Ali

“There is something disruptive and mysterious in Adi Oz-Ari's collages. They are elegant in their compositions and simplicity yet bold in their materials. Throughout many of the works, the figure is represented as a lurking and haunting presence often eclipsed or obscured, and there to remind us that the body itself is our greatest mystery.”

ArtConnect asked the winning artists to share with us a glimpse into their creative life to get a sense of their personal inspiration and artistic process.

How did you get started as an artist?

I started as a photographer but actually materials were interested me more the "capturing a frame". Step by step I started replacing the camera by scanners which enabled me to have a different point of view.

How would you describe your artistic approach?

I like to relate to my work as finding a solution to riddle, with a frequent link between various modes of concealment and camouflage, a “contra” to my desire to expose and reveal. This is a constant, tension-filled dialogue between the desire to reveal and the wish to conceal secrets.


Adi Oz-Ari’s studio


And how about what inspires you?

Abstract images of materials, good songs, body images and sometimes old interesting photos.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced as an artist?

Participating in an artist residency for 3 months.

Adi Oz-Ari working on a project


Describe a typical day in the studio/wherever you make your work.

I try to go everyday to my studio even if I dont know what I'm going to do. I start with a coffee sometime with my neighbor and then evething start to flow by itself...

Is there a medium, a process, or a technique that you haven't used in your work yet but would like to try out?

I would like so much to have skills in drawing. Maybe it's about time to try!

What are you currently working on? Or an upcoming project you want to mention?

Actually during this year I have few projects. I'm working on a small solo exhibition in Berlin, a big Solo exhibition in Israel and a group exhibition with an amazing curator who I'm very excited to work with her, there I manage with new sort of works.

How does it feel to be selected as an ArtConnect Artist to Watch?

It is very exciting and flattering.

Anything else you want to add?
thank you.

See more of Adi’s work

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